Monday 27 May 2013

pakistan's government dangerious mind.

If you have questions like :

 why pakistan is dangerous to entire world?

here is my answer :

first of all, the birth of pakistan happened because of a culprit man name called   'muhammad ali jinnah' the man who's mind is unstable. He is the man who wont be satisfied if you give whole world to him. Beautiful India divided into two parts because muhammad ali jinnah want a independent country for muslim's so pakistan is created for muslims. So many Muslim's remain in india because they want to be as indian's and they love india and they like to stay with Indian's as they have been for centuries.

After partition of india and pakistan, muhammad ali jinnah was not happy because he want all muslims to be with pakistan. After few months of partition, pakistan started occupying muslim majority lands of india forcefully.

Here's some true witness of culprit Pakistan is :
- kargil war 1999
Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
- balochistan conflict 1948
- Pok ( Pakistan occupied Kashmir )

after independence in 1947 pakistan asked to baluchistan muslims to join pakistan but baluchistan rejected pakistan's offer as they don't like culprit pakistan's government, Then pakistan forcefully occupied baluchistan in march 1948 and started genocide with balochistan people since 1948 to present.

muhammad ali jinnah culprits mind thinks that all muslim's are belongs to pakistan but he didn't think that before partition, hindus and Muslims were togther. So many muslims remain in inda because they know what is india , India's love, culture, and value of Hindus friendship. Now in india there are more then 250 million Muslims staying in India and Pakistan don't know that these 250 million Muslims are truly Indian Muslims.

Mostly Pakistan is concentrating on wars, that's why half of the people mind filled only with war, fight, revenge, etc..

pakistan governement playing unseen dangerous role with their citizens by misusing mighty words like, JIHAD.
pakistan has good people too who are innocent, they should know about pakistan's unseen truth role on them since childhood.

i hope they will know soon.

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