Monday 21 October 2013

This is th time to reveal Pakistan's facts about indian kashmir (PoK) and PoB( pak occupied balochistan)

These facts are not a fake story, it's not created by any one. This is the truth of history since 1947 about pakistan.

we all know that on 15 august 1947 india got independence from British. before independence all religions were together in india, in 1947 independent pakistan country is created. So many Muslim brothers and sisters left india to join pakistan and so many are remain in india because they love india, they fought for india, they want to live in inda.

In the year 1948, Pakistan tried to forcefully takeover Kashmir by sending its troops. The then king of Kashmir 
Maharaja Hari Singh came to Delhi and asked for Military help but the indian home minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel asked Maharaja to sign Instrument of Accession for Indian military help. Maharaja signed Instrument of Accession on 26 Oct 1947, 

According to  instrument of accession signed in 1947  entire erstwhile princely state of Jammu and Kashmir is belongs to india. but Pakistan claims Jammu and Kashmir should come under pakistan because of just a  majority Muslim population, which is unfair. Then Pakistan started occupying kasmir by sending their army into the Kashmir which india did not noticed at the earlier stage. since 1947 pakistan started blackmailing with innocent Kashmir people. Even they killed so many people when they strictly denied to join with pakistan. This is how the way of  Pakistan to occupy Kashmir and now it's became PoK ( Pakistan occupied Kashmir).

in 1948 united nations after hearing arguments from both India and Pakistan, the Council increased the size of the Commission established by United Nations Security Council Resolution 39 to five members, instructed the Commission to go to the subcontinent and help the governments of India and Pakistan restore peace and order to the region and prepare for a plebiscite to decide the fate of Kashmir. The resolution was passed by United Nations Security Council under chapter VI of UN.

In UN security council they clearly mentioned three major points which Pakistan did not do yet.

1. Pakistan should take back their troops and army from Kashmir.
2. India should protect borders with their army
3. Pakistan and India should allow J&K people for election in jammu and Kashmir to decide whether J&k belongs to India or Pakistan.

India accepted and respected with UN council resolution 47 but pakistan did not accepted to allow election J&K, and did not move their army and troops from (PoK). because they know that if election is held, then J&K will go to  india because jammu and Kashmir people love india, they want to live in india. Pakistan master mind government trained some leaders and sent to Kashmir, the duty of these leaders is to convince Kashmir people to accept with Pakistan by blackmail by saying simple words " we all are Muslims so we must stay together" which did not work yet. Kashmir people know that Pakistan leaders and government is a very dangerous which they love only land not the people of jammu and Kashmir.
flames raised in Jammu and Kashmir because of Pakistan's selfishness on land of J&K.

If you ask me,


Here is my answer :

We all know that most of the terrorists are trained in Pakistan,  and its a free home for terrorists as we seen in news world wide.

Now i am going to tell a tragedy history of one country which is now a part of pakistan.

The name of the country  is called BALUCHISTAN ( now its a part of pakistan)

The history of Balochistan began in 650 BCE with vague allusions to the region in Greek historical records. Balochistan is divided between the Pakistani province of Balochistan, the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan and the Afghan region of Balochistan.

balochistan was not merged with Pakistan before 1948. After Pakistan got independence, Pakistan  tried to merge with balochistan but balochistan leaders denied to join with Pakistan, because they don't like pakistan governement which their is no fair in  instrument of accession with Pakistan and balochistan. on 27 march 1948 Pakistan forcefully entered in balochistan with their army and troops as they entered in kashmir in india . balochistan was helpless at that time why because they don't have army power and troops.

balochistan has no other option because they are helpless, they tried to live with Pakistan. after several years balochistan got to know about master and cruel mind of Pakistan government that Pakistan killing baloch people to reduce baloch people. they doing genocide with baloch people.
early they are killed thousands of baloch people without any reasons.

Some of the major facts in balochistan :

  1. pakistan army killing thousands of baloch people every year.
  2. They entering in baloch houses without intimating and taking their young children
  3. till now some thousands of people kidnapped, murdered and some have no identity, sign of them.
  4. Pakistan army forcefully joining baloch people in pakistan army to fight with other country
  5. If baloch young men denied to join in pakistan army they are blackmailing them that they will kill your family if you don't join in army.
  6. Till now they killed so many baloch leaders and throwed their bodies beside of  roads.
  7. They are doing genocide with baloch people
  8. Pakistan strictly didn't allow international media to talk with baloch people.
  9. If they found any media around baloch people, they just shoot at sight.
  10. No proper education to baloch people
  11. No proper food
  12. No water and road felicities around baloch area's
  13. Recently they killed  more then 40 baloch lawyer's in bomb blast. 
  14. Pakistan army using helicopter to hunt baloch people.

There are so many unbelievable facts happening in balochistan by pakistan government.

At present situation in balochistan people is like " knife on their neck",
 even they don't know whether they will reach home safely if they went out for food or anything.

“at the time of British departure from Balochistan they recognised Balochistan as an independent state on 11th August 1947. Balochistan was one of the wealthy nations, compared to many Middle Eastern (Arab Countries) but eight months after its independence, Balochistan was again occupied and forcefully annexed by Pakistan.
After the occupation of Balochistan Pakistan started looting Balochistan’s natural wealth and spending it for the benefit of Punjab and selling it to international companies for peanuts. Pakistan systematically kept the Baloch people backward and deprived them of basic facilities such as schools, hospitals and clean drinking water. Balochistan’s natural gas was not even provided to its inhabitants – Told by the Baloch people.”
source :

When people already know about reality and facts of pakistan government and army, then i don't think so that kashmir and baloch people want to live still with pakistan !

This is the time to wakeup, this is Time for the world to know about real pakistan ,  this is time to show  pakistan's real  face to the world.

from now i'm gonna start  slogan's